Shenzhen is a window of China's reform and opening-up and a city of immigrants which pools a great number of quality talents, rendering itself a brimming vitality. “If you come, you are a Shenzhener". Shenzhen's unique population structure ends up bursting out strong talent vitality and market vitality, thus forming a unique urban culture that is open, inclusive, innovative and facilitates cultural exchanges. In Shenzhen, different cultures and ideas of various countries fuse and collide, producing all kinds of innovations, creativity and imaginative ideas, making Shenzhen a modern global hub of makers.
Shenzhen has developed friendship ties with 93 provinces and cities in 58 countries globally (24 sister cities and 69 friendship cities)
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Website Logo:4403000060
Public security filing number:44030402002937
Address:12/F, Great China International Exchange Square, No. 1, Fuhua Road 1, Futian District, Shenzhen
Zip code:518035 Tel:0755-88107023 Fax:0755-88107008 Email:swj@commerce.sz.gov.cn